Bebington Library Murals
Murals for Christmas on glass.......done for just over the holidays with acrylics and PVA glue.
Aha now it is gone forever scrubbed off and will never be seen again except on here of course. I really enjoyed doing these murals except that I ended up working for nothing but a chest infection for St. John's church in New Ferry. Would you like to hear the story. I mean I do write books and it's 2018 so about 9 years since they ripped me off. What the hell (yeah I said that.) I met a woman called Marie who talked me into doing a mural for their float and for their march about keeping Christmas and all it's glorious Christianity. Well considering I didn't get a penny for my time and trouble and Marie was the WORST customer ever it wasn't great. It turned out that this bunch of Christians expected me to do everything for nothing, and at Christmas when I wasn't working. I will do anything for a charity but this was for a Catholic church and they are super rich. I know this because the priest who used to call at our house when I was little often took my dads last pound in the 1970s when I was little and powerless. Yeah because they don't pay people like me. Anyway I was supposed to be doing some more work for them in April but Marie was full of empty promises of her rich friends who were going to give me work. The biggest pile of crap I've ever heard and I fell for it. to get me to paint two 12 x 18 ply boards for a float. She changed her mind several times to add insult to injury and I had to paint round the clock to get it done. Not the brightest of rip off artists really. She was put out because I painted the boards vertically and she wanted them horizontally so they'd stack on each other on the float! The men just looked at her as if she was mental. I worked right up to Christmas for these people and they didn't even get me a box of chocolates. I think Marie thought that everyone praising me was enough. If it had raised money for a charity then yes. I've done quite a few charity murals etc. for nothing or just for the materials, but this lot work for the POPE!
Mary and baby Jesus.
This was a joy to paint. It's a pity this one had to go, as it was very popular. One of the wonderful things that I gained and this isn't even comparable to money was the sense of motherhood that Mary must have felt. When I was doing it I looked at a lot of artists renditions of Mary and Christ. I did the traditional sort of European painting for this, but have done one where it is probably more historically true. I doubt Mary and Jesus had blond hair and blue eyes. Never mind. The good part was that I had this amazing sense of peace when I did this, and understood the love that Mary felt for her baby. Most mums do feel that love thankfully. However imagine soldiers were looking for your baby to slaughter. That's exactly what happened to little boys under two when Herod gave the orders to slaughter all of them in Bethlehem when looking for Jesus. Boy I hope there is a hell for people like him and the usual suspects like Hitler. So I'm sure Mary wouldn't have minded about the barn with the animals. At least she was safer out of the City.
This is the third one in the triptych of my fake stained glass windows. Remember as I said before I created these fake stained glass windows by just using paint and P.V.A glue. I enjoyed painting these very much and a thank you to all the staff and customers who said lots of nice things and helped me get my confidence back in doing public art again. |