Venus on Vacation not at the Vatican
This was a mural commissioned by Methodist Housing Ltd. A lovely organisation that helped me considerably in the 90s. They commissioned it to go in the Market Street Area of Birkenhead. It was originally only there for a while to cover building works. It is still now in Market Street on the side of a building, and is visible from the bottom of the street from the Argyle Street end. I tried for something a little snazzy, with a classical theme. Basically I copied the beautiful Venus and put in a lovely view of the River Mersey Ferries and all. It's done in acrylics and is approximately six foot high by nine foot wide. Or in modernise 2 x 3 metres. Something like this would cost you depending on materials around the £1000 mark. It takes roughly 4 weeks to paint plus there are many different factors to take into consideration, who supplies the materials, where it is to be situated. Is it on a wall or on fire safe boards.
I am happy to supply estimates and quotes please leave your details on my contact page
What a job working for crinkly bottom!
This is a Knight which we added free of charge to a big job we received from Park Hampers in the 90s. We were given basically a 40ft trailer and a tiny sketch and told to get on with it. It was a Park Hampers display trailer for the much doomed Crinkly bottom. It was hard work and we didn't quote enough. The man who hired us was a nasty little man. Looked down his nose at us. When we finished ahead of schedule he made us repaint the boards three times even though they looked exactly the same. Just to get as much as he could out of us. I didn't like Noel Edmonds then at all to be honest I was still stinging from his supposed good works and humanitarianism that he was so proud of, but he was always at Number 10 when Thatcher was in power. So to me he let himself down by publicly attacking socialism and so on at the time.
Still it was an interesting project and did wonders for my confidence in handling a job any size. Just as well because compared to what I was paid by L.F.C and this and I had to pay staff it wasn't worth the grief. Apparently it was well received but as Crinkly bottom failed I never saw it again. Well it didn't do wonders for my bank balance when I'd paid for materials. Never mind eh?? There is far more to life than just money. The older I get the more I realise that nothing is more important than health and happiness. If you need things to be happy then you're missing the point. The pictures below this one are some of the finished project and one of the bit of a sketch we got given to work from. It taught me not to under price jobs though, folk don't realise the huge amounts of work and time and materials something like this takes from start to finish. It would have been fun if we hadn't had the nasty little man treating us as if were an inferior species because we were artists.