Simone in the City. A New York Story by Miss Suzy Ripley
Meet Simone Wright beautiful, talented and a dominatrix. She has a successful career and is paid well enough to do what she chooses in her leisure time. She goes to the S&M clubs to pick up men, and loves controlling them. She knows something is missing from her life but denies it's love. She is then thrown into a situation where she is betrayed by those closest to her, and her life and very identity are questioned. Fighting for herself and for the man she is falling in love with proves to be the biggest challenge of her life. She has survived abusive rich parents, two serious attacks when her meeting up with strange men went very wrong and protects herself from getting her heart broken by not seeing anyone long term, preferring the one night stands She tried to be normal and had a sort of relationship when first moving to New York with one of the directors. Realising he is a loveless man selfish and mean she keeps up the facade of being friends with him but dismisses in as nothing to be worried about. How wrong she is. The company she loves Bridgehams is under threat because of two men's madness. They are pursuing the ultimate control of people and it doesn't matter who gets hurt, killed or left behind. Can Simone save the day? |
Money isn't everything. Love comes to London